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We are dedicated to the conservation of the Eastern Bluebird and other native cavity nesting species. We are a member of several state and national organizations with this effort in mind. We work closely with the Bluebird Restoration Association of Wisconsin (BRAW), are affiliated with the North American Bluebird Society (NABS), the Purple Martin Project at Yellowstone Lake State Park, and local bluebird trails managed by members of the Lafayette County Bluebird Society.
When settlers came to Wisconsin in the early 1800's, the Eastern Bluebird was as common as the Robin. In 1976, the Eastern Bluebird was reported on the Wisconsin Breeding Bird Survey with only four pairs in the entire state. Its dwindling numbers were troubling. In the spring of 1981, an effort was made in Darlington Wisconsin to help bring back the bluebird. A few local, concerned individuals met in the basement of the Methodist Church. Under the leadership of Carol and John McDaniel, the Darlington Bluebird Society was formed. A few years later, as the bluebird population began to grow, the organization's membership expanded to include people from around the county. The name was changed to the Lafayette County Bluebird Society. Since its founding, the Society has been successful in bringing back the Eastern Bluebird to the county and increasing the population of bluebirds to a very comfortable number. Each year hundreds of bluebirds are reported as fledged in the county. We meet regularly during the year.
Our Long Range Plan [PDF]
Purple Martin Project:

A bequest received from Lillian Frances Johnson, has made it possible for us to expand our efforts to include other native cavity nesting birds.We have placed Purple Martin housing at Yellowstone Lake State Park in an effort to bring the Purple Martin back to Lafayette County. Additionally, we have collected a population count on the Red-headed Woodpecker to determine the population status of this species in the county.
The Purple Martin Project started in
2009 has two setups, one in rural Argyle and one at Yellowstone Lake State Park. Carol and Louis
Lancaster have had a successful colony for years in the town of Argyle.
Change heading Yellowstone Lake to Bluebird Trails.
Yellowstone Trail:

bluebird trails, operated by members of the Society, are located throughout the county. The largest trails are at Yellowstone Lake State Park, Leadmine/New Diggings, Darlington, and Blanchardville. The boxes on these trails are checked weekly for bluebird activity.
Bluebird Nest Nature Center:
The Bluebird Nest Nature Center opened in 2014. The Nature Center was created with the intention of providing a place where people of all ages could experience the wonders of Lafayette County's natural world.
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